Monday, August 13, 2007

Website is up!

THE CATALYST is up! Check it out.
Still a work in progress, but you get the idea.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

we are officially a church!

Today the paperwork was sent to the feds...
The PO Box was established...

The Catalyst Church of Monterey
P.O. Box 6
Monterey, TN 38574-0006

(not a typo, our box is really only 6)

Send us a letter! 1st piece of mail will be scanned and put up on this site.

CORRECTION: 1st piece of personal mail - I just checked the mail and we got a phone book (I don't think you want me to scan that and put it up here)

We have even grown out of our first location (our home). 22 people in our living room is not very conducive for what we are doing. It was a little scary when we were all on the back deck at one time - the deck is 15 feet in the air and was moving every time someone would breath.
This week we begin meeting at the Whittaker Park Gazebos for potluck communion, worship, and great conversations (with God and with each other) .
It is the epicenter of community activities and will be a great environment to build our CORE team. You have to love a church with swing sets and BBQ grills!

a catalyst in Nicaragua...
A few weeks ago we sent out our first missionary church planter, Eli Covington. We had a commissioning service/cookout for him. He will be planting missional churches in Nicaragua out of a vocational training center where he is teaching woodworking. Please pray for him - I just found out today that he has already had his life threatened.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Where to start?

It seems I have been traveling a lot this year. More so than I have in the last five years combined and obviously I haven't been blogging. So far I have gone to Germany, Guatemala City, Austin, Georgia, South Carolina, and back to Austin this past week. My second trip to Austin was for personal reasons and a very short one. I got in Tuesday night and left Thursday early afternoon. Of course I took advantage of being there and had BBQ at every occasion. In addition, I brought pork ribs, brisket, and beef ribs back with me. I had two suitcases for just that reason. One of them had my clothes, the other one the meat!

I can't believe we have been here almost 4 months already and how much has happened in those 4 months. Besides all the traveling both Bob and were bitten by a tick. We were tested for Lyme disease and although mine came back negative, the doc put me on antibiotics because I had been having headaches and backaches for a week. Apparently the test for Lyme disease when negative is often a false negative. My symptoms started before the tick bite but the doctor felt I could have been bitten by a tick sooner and that it fell off before I noticed it. The headache and backache which lasted 2 1/2 weeks finally went away Thursday - it was such a blessing!

Bob actually had some symptoms that occur during the initial stages of Lyme disease such as a rash around the tick bite and stiffness in his joints. His test results have not come back yet and he is also taking an antibiotic. I am still waiting on lab results checking for leukemia. When they ran my initial test they also did a standard lab work up and my white blood cell count was pretty low. I really don't think I have leukemia but it wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear.

Tonight is a big night for us. We have gathered a group of people that are interested in what we are planning on doing here in Monterey. We are going to have a "Vision Night" at Ay Chihuahua - Martha and Pedro's restaurant - to cast our vision for the church in Monterey. The people who have signed up for the Vision Night all want to help us in some way whether it's through a long-term commitment or being prayer partners. We are very excited!

As always we need your prayers for the church, the vision night, our health, and mostly that we would be sensitive to God's guidance.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Loving Hands

We partnered up with Pedro, Martha, Josh and Janine (owners of Ay Chihuahua's Mexican Restaurant) to start what we are calling the "Loving Hands" Community Service group.
For our first project together we are focusing on hungry people. God hooked us up with a bread distributor who is giving us a truck load of bread, bagels, muffins each week. We put out flyers all over town inviting people to come and recieve. Please pray with us as we strive to be the loving hands of Jesus to our little community.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Guatemala PDF

CLICK HERE to see a 2 page pdf with pics and a blurb about our trip. The pics are from the Guatemalan national newspaper and yes on one of them we made the front page - Go God.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


It has been almost exactly one month since our last post and we are sorry.
This has been a crazy month, but that is not a good excuse.
To fill you in a bit and catch you up...
1. Guatemala was incredible. God used this trip to confirm and affirm what we have been called to do. He also connected us to some amazing leaders who are really excited about our work here in the US, reaching our to their people.
2. Kristina was called to go back to Austin for a project launch that she has been working on for a while now. They went live yesterday. This is a big deal for the city of Austin. Please pray for her and all the other tired, stressed, and under appreciated people she works with. She is set to come home next Monday.
3. We started our first outreach to the people of Monterey. God hooked us up with a bread distributor who was willing to give us some of their product that would normally be sold in their "day old" bread stores. We partnered up with the Mexican restaurant up the street and together we are serving needy families by providing free bread and bread products on Monday and Tuesdays from 2-7pm. Please pray for the needy families, this project and for the Family who has opened up their business and is taking a financial risk in order to serve the community.
4. It is finally getting a little warmer here. It has not snowed in over a week. It is actually sunny and almost non-windbreaker weather.
5. I have started a consulting job in Nashville with a great group of leaders who are wanting to plant a church that reaches out to East Nashville. I will be working with them for probably the next 6 months. Not only will this be a great opportunity for us to help out in the area of church planting, but also an answer to prayer in regards to our finances. My hope is that we will have enough consulting clients that we will not have to depend on donor support. We are not there yet, but maybe that is God's plan to keep us humble and dependent on Him.
6. I'm sure I have forgotten something.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Another first...

Kristina and I have said many times that we want people (you) to feel welcome in our home. More so, we want people (you) to simply feel welcome. Welcome to just stop by (even without calling). Welcome to open our fridge without asking. Welcome to... you get the picture. But, how will we know whether we are in fact making people feel welcome if you guys don't tell us.

Our new friend Tammy just stopped by unannounced to sit and chat for while until it was time to pick up her daughter from school.

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but we are strangers here and for someone to trust us enough or feel safe enough to just stop by is pretty encouraging. We've only been here a short time and Tammy's visit today lets us know we are on the right track here.

Lord, we thank you for uninvited guests. May we never be too busy, too distracted, or too selfish to cherish every moment you give us to share with others. May we always be available to listen, serve, or whatever else you may need us to do.

To everyone:
In case you don't already know this, consider yourself informed - you are always welcome in our home, at our table, on our couch, in my office, to use our bathroom.

Wait, do I really mean everyone?
Perhaps in my next post I should give a comprehensive list of everyone who is and who is not welcome at our table.

Guatemala or Bust!

As most of you are aware, our little mission field here is heavily saturated with folks from Guatemala. We have been seeking ways to understand and embrace this culture. Part of our goal is to help build bridges here between two diametrically opposed cultures.
Rural Southerners and Unwelcome foreigners.
Recently I became aware of who the person of peace (the kingpin) was amongst the Guatemalans. Great! The only problem is I have no way in - no common ground. That is until now.

A couple of weeks ago Kristina and I were asked to join a group of missionaries and business leaders from around the world to meet with some major heavy hitter business folks in Guatemala City. I am actually now the main speaker at a gathering of about 2000 College students that will coincide with the business folks conference. Anyway, since I will have face time with people like the ex president of Exxon, and 3000 other leaders of that caliper, I think I may have an "in" with my person of peace here.

This week I am setting up a meeting with him to introduce myself, offer to help/serve him in anyway possible during my trip to his homeland(establish networking contacts, etc), and also to seek his input on what kinds of things young college students in Guatemala are faced with as they begin to chart out their future.

Please pray for my conversations here. Please also pray for our trip to Guatemala - for God to speak through me to those students and to use me in the lives of the business leaders that will be attending.

link to the organization that is putting this event together

The last 10%...
Kristina and I are also praying for God to provide the remaining resources needed to make this trip happen. Although the folks in Guatemala are taking care of most of our expenses, it is still going to end up costing us about 800 to 1000 dollars to go. Should you feel led to help with this trip or to support our ministry here in general you can send/make tax deductible gifts out to our sponsor church: (they bless us by handling our support and book keeping)
The River Community Church
PO Box 1012
Cookeville, TN 38503
MEMO: The Catalyst

and now it begins...

On Saturday night at 6pm we will have our first "community" gathering. Technically my B'day was our first gathering, but that was about me. This gathering will be with folks we have met in the area that are interested in learning about what it means to do life "together" - with each other and with God. Please keep us in your prayers.

Monday, January 29, 2007


It's been 6 years since I have been here and it is so good to be back. My brother Pete surprised me with a little party to which he had invited some of my old friends from school. Some of them I had not seen in 20 years - it was good to see them and we had a blast.

Mom is enjoying having me here and that alone makes this trip worth while. But I've also enjoyed just being here again, seeing old familiar places, being recognized by the people here, and seeing the changes to our little town. I'll post pictures when I get back...

Monday, January 15, 2007


Yesterday went well. I think I/my message was well recieved. I look forward to hearing more feedback from the people there. The band was awesome. In the middle of one of the songs, they went off and started playing an old Kansas song "carry on my wayward son", and somehow ended up with a little Stevie Ray in there as well. They were great!

Here is a picture so you get the idea.
Kristina did not want to distract people with a flash so it is kinda blurry.
Of course when I saw her taking pictures I blew her cover and pointed her out.

Have a great day folks.

Bob out...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Visiting Home

HOME is our theme this week...

I will be back in the great state of Tejas this week.
I will be in Houston Wednesday through Saturday.
I am planning to get over to Austin on Friday morning to spend the day.
Wanna' hook up? Holla' at me!

Kristina and I will pass in the airport on Saturday as she heads for Germany for a couple weeks.
She has not been home for over 6 years. She is WAY overdue. I pray that this trip will be a real blessing to her and her family.

Please pray for us as we travel.

On another note...
Tomorrow morning I am teaching at our sponsor church. They have three services so I am pretty sure I will be wiped out afterwards. I wonder what I should speak about? (kidding)

We have met a lot of really nice folks there. They have really gone out of their way to help/encourage/bless us. We hope to be a blessing to them as well.

I guess I should get back to working on my message.
I just could not let another night pass without giving you guys an update.

Peace -
Bob out...

More firsts...

It is really starting to feel official...

And another...

Monday, January 8, 2007

Interesting Tid Bits about Monterey

Life in Monterey is definitely more laid back and easy going. It reminds me of my hometown in Germany which is about the same size as Monterey. I love that you can walk just about everywhere. The only two restaurants in town are within a 9-11 minute walking distance. The post office and drug store are about 10 minutes from us. If I had to I could walk to the salon where I get my hair cut but took my bike the other day.

Because Monterey is a small town AND as people have told us you are going "back in time" when you go to Monterey, things are a little different around here:

  • You can smoke at Monterey Foods - the local grocery store. Ash trays are located throughout the store for your convenience.
  • FedEx pick-up is at the local drug store - Bishop Drugs.
  • Sign up for gas service is also done at the local drug store.
  • You get your electric permit at the local gas station.
  • The smoking section at Burger King is bigger than the non-smoking section.
  • The long time local restaurant, Cup and Saucer, does not have a non-smoking section.
The one thing I can say about Monterey is that people are incredibly friendly and helpful. Everybody takes time to chat and find out how you are doing.

So far things are going well but we've been too busy getting settled in. I look forward to having more time and exploring more of Monterey and the next closest town - Cookeville. There are also many state parks around here that are supposedly beautiful which I can't wait to visit.